
Decision support systems

Analysis, forecasting and evaluation services for alternative scenarios 

TerrAria develops Decision Support Systems (DSS), i.e web applications that support decision makers and engineers in decision making in a variety of contexts including air quality, hydrogeological and hydraulic natural hazards, and Public Health. 

These tools integrate data, analytical models, and advanced algorithms to provide timely and accurate information. They make it possible to simulate scenarios, evaluate alternatives, and visualize potential impacts, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of decisions. DSS are essential for addressing complex problems and ensuring informed, evidence-based choices, thereby optimizing resource management and strategic planning. 

The team, through also the use of Artificial Intelligence tools and a modeling approach, also supports various entities such as local authorities in the preparation of Air Quality, Civil Protection and Public Health Plans. 

In the field of air quality, TerrAria was responsible for developing the SHERPA Screening for High Emission Reduction Potentials on Air quality software to identify the main macrosectors and pollutants on which to focus the air quality plan for better air quality effectiveness and SHERPA – City, expressly dedicated to cities. To estimate the air quality and human health impact of assessment scenarios on the Italian territory TerrAria implemented the SIMBAD-HAM web application. Focusing on the Pagan Basin, it dealt with the REST application for air quality impact assessment of forecast and assessment emission scenarios. 

TerrAria also developed the modeling platforms MARS and MAQES (Multimodel Air Quality and Environment Suite), for the evaluation of odor that pollutant impacts in the atmosphere. 

To provide planning support for regional and national policies for the reduction of greenhouse gases, the reduction of energy consumption and the diffusion of renewable energy sources, the team implemented the energy efficiency portal of the Lombardy Region, called SIRENA20.
TerrAria also developed the Environmental Decision Support System (EDSS), focused on the efficiency of production processes of production chains, which allows the reduction from the point of view of the environmental footprint and thus achieve more sustainable production and consumption. 

In the area of natural hazards of hydrogeological and hydraulic type, TerrAria has designed and implemented Sinergie for the management, in monitoring and in forecasting of criticalities resulting from these hazards.  

Another example of a DSS developed is the Regional Housing Condition Observatory, a tool to deliver the analytical and business-intelligence services to support decision-making on housing and housing policy interventions. 


Case studies

In the field of forecasting, management and evaluation of spatial policies and improvement measures, TerrAria offers support to decision-makers through software solutions such as: SHERPA-City, SHERPA (Screening for High Emission Reduction Potentials on Air quality), EDSS (Environmental Decision Support System), SINERGIE – the DSS for Civil Protection, Regional Observatory on Housing Condition, MARS (Multimodel AiR Suite), MAQES (Multimodel Air Quality and Environment Suite), SIRENA20 (the regional energy efficiency portal), SIMBAD and REST. See our case studies for more details.