

RIAT+ (Regional Integrated Assessment Tool PLUS) is a regional integrated assessment modeling application developed during the OPERA project (LIFE09 ENV/IT/000092) that supports decision makers and engineers to identify optimal emission reduction measures to improve air quality at minimum cost. 

The system allows a choice between two different decision paths: scenario analysis and optimization. The main outputs of RIAT+ consist of quantification of emission reductions over the domain, a table with the application rates for each technology used, a series of maps of the main air quality indicators (AQIs), and the Pareto Curve that provides the best efficient solutions that can be implemented at varying costs to be incurred (only in the case of optimization). 

RIAT+ uses nonlinear relationships identified by means of artificial neural networks (ANNs) trained to replicate the results of a limited set of simulations performed by users with deterministic air quality models.


Product application

RIAT+ has been tested and applied in different European regions and with different specific goals:   

  • in Emilia-Romagna (IT) in “optimization” mode to evaluate the effectiveness of measures (both technical and non-technical) contained in the regional air quality plan (ADP); 
  • in Alsace (FR) in “optimization” mode to support the implementation of a regional action plan designed to identify the most effective technical and energy measures; 
  • in Lombardy (IT) in “scenario analysis” mode to assess the air quality costs and benefits of actions within the regional air quality plan; 
  • in Brussels Capital Region (BE) in “scenario analysis” mode to evaluate a set of measures effective in reducing emissions from traffic and home heating; 
  • in the Porto (PT) region in “optimization” mode to determine the most efficient measures to be applied in the Great Porto area and to be included within the air quality plan.


RIAT+ has also been used within the CLIMAERA project as a support tool for partner regions in developing sectoral public policies. This tool has helped build effective synergies between climate/energy policies and air quality protection, leading to improved quality of life in the regions involved. CLIMAERA is part of the Italy-France Alcotra cross-border cooperation program, under the auspices of the European Union over a three-year period (2017 -2020). The project partner regions are Liguria, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta for Italy and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes for France. RIAT+ was used to evaluate the measures in the Regional Integrated Air Plan (PAIR 2030, Emilia Romagna Region) and those in all the plans of the regions belonging to the Po River Basin in the PREPAIR project.