
AGU Conference 2024

A Tool to Support and Monitor Humanitarian Crisis, Tailored for War Damage: Map for Damage Assessment with Satellite Artificial Intelligence (MASAI)



TerrAria will present the MASAI – Map for Damage Assessment with Satellite Artificial Intelligence tool, developed within the homonymous project, founded by the European Space Agency (ESA), during the session “Tracking the Footprint of War: Earth and Environmental Perspectives on Monitoring Conflict Impacts,” as part of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2024 conference themed “What’s Next for Science,” to be held in Washington, D.C. between Dec. 9-13, 2024. Our contribution entitled “A Tool to Support and Monitor Humanitarian Crisis, Tailored for War Damage: Map for Damage Assessment with Satellite Artificial Intelligence (MASAI),” accepted as a poster, will be available during the conference and through February 2025.

MASAI is a web platform to support regional, national and international organizations intervening in humanitarian crises, such as the Italian Red Cross Association, the project’s end-user, in timely and efficient relief operations by leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and satellite image processing.