Case studies

Tool of Pulizia Sconfinata

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WebGIS for monitoring waste

As part of the waste theme, TerrAria has developed the WebGIS PULIZIA SCONFINATA within the homonymous European project and promoted by the integrated project “Waste, a new path of transboundary responsibility,funded by the Lombardy Region and the European Union sees the involvement of the Republic and Canton of Ticino – Territory Department, Environment Division. 

The objective of the application is to activate a monitoring path of areas subject to litter abandonment, thanks to the adoption of an online mapping system (WebGIS). A further level of development of the project is aimed at promoting the territory as a common good, to be protected and respected, addressing upstream the phenomenon of abandonment and helping to develop a new awareness on the part of users (citizens/tourists) towards the environment. 

The system underlying the project consists of a Web application that allows stakeholders to interact in real time and share data, information, images, and analysis in relation to areas that are degraded due to litter abandonment.  

This Web application replaces the traditional ways of reporting abandoned waste that relied on paper-based, telephone, fax/email communications. The system is multi-user and multi-channel, providing for interaction both through the Internet and via Smart-phone/Tablet. 

The main users of the system are: 

  • Volunteer Ecological Guards (VEG),  
  • the municipalities,  
  • the Province of Varese,  
  • the Canton of Ticino, 
  • Law enforcement agencies. 


Citizens, after registering with the system, can also submit their reports, which will then be validated by VEGs or territorially competent municipal technicians. 


Year of execution: 2011 – 2015