Case studies


Improve Resilience of Industry Sector

In response to the effects induced by Climate Change, the project aims to improve the resilience of the industrial sector through methods and solutions transferable to all EU countries by promoting adaptation actions in synergy with environmental policies. 

Project Type: EUROPEAN LIFE14 CCA/IT/000663
Budget: 1’658’680 Euros
Durata: 2015 – 2019
Number and Partners involved: 7 project partners, all italians: ERVET – project-leader, La Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant’Anna (public university institute with special status), The Consorzio Attività Produttive (CAP) of Modena (Public Entity), S.I.PRO. (Territory Development Agency of the Province of Ferrara), Carlsberg Italia, ERGO srl, TerrAria srl
Role: Partner

IRIS aims to support companies, especially SMEs, that are increasingly facing climatic events of extraordinary magnitude in recent years, which threaten production and plants or compromise the functionality of infrastructures in the area. In particular, the experiment involved companies belonging to the same production area (two industrial realities in Emilia-Romagna were chosen) and companies belonging to the same production chain, Carlsberg Italia. 

A climate change risk analysis was carried out for each cluster; on the basis of the risk analysis, a Climate Adaptation Action Plan was realised for each of the clusters; financial/insurance mechanisms based on rewarding criteria for resilient companies or companies belonging to resilient clusters were designed; and a web portal containing climate adaptation tools was created. 


TerrAria was involved in the development of this tool called CAST: it is a useful information system for companies that want to assess their vulnerability to climate change and want to identify efficient adaptation measures. TerrAria was also a member of the Steering Committee.