Case studies


Air emissions inventory

With respect to the INEMAR (INventario EMissioni Aria) system, TerrAria was responsible for database development, architecture design, web interface development, software design and development, and related maintenance.

INEMAR consists of the inventory of atmospheric emissions. Specifically, it aims to provide an estimate of pollutant emissions at the municipal level, by macro-sector, sector, activity, and fuel type. The system collects activity indicators, emission factors, and statistical data necessary for spatial and temporal disaggregation of emissions. It also contains the procedures and algorithms used to estimate emissions along with estimated emission values.

The database consists of emissions of major macropollutants (SO2 , NOx , NMVOC, CH4 , CO, CO2 , N2 O, NH3 , PM2.5, PM10, and PTS), particulate carbon fractions (BC, EC, OC), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (BaP, BbF, BkF, IcdP, PAH-CLTRP), heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn), and aggregate pollutants (CO2eq , ozone precursors, and acidifying substances) by activity and fuel.

INEMAR is currently used in six regions and two autonomous provinces: Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Apulia, and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano.

Client: Convention of regions
Year of execution: 1999 – ongoing