Case studies


Instruments to support the reduction of greenhouse gases, energy consumption and the spread of renewable energy sources

The project involves the design and implementation of the Regional ENergy and Environment Information System as part of the EAP – Environmental Energy Plan of the Lombardy Region. More generally, FACTOR20 is aimed at defining a set of tools to support the planning of regional and national policies for the reduction of greenhouse gases, the reduction of energy consumption and the diffusion of renewable energy sources. 

Project title: FACTOR20 – Forwarding demonstrative ACTions On a Regional and local scale to reach UE targets of the European Plan “20/20/20”
Project Type: EUROPEAN LIFE+, LIFE08ENV/IT/000430
Budget: 2’273’269 Euros
Duration: 2010 – 2013
Number and Partners involved: 5 project partners, all Italian; Finlombarda SpA, Sicily Region, Basilicata Region, Sviluppo Basilicata, Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea (co-funder)
Role: Subcontractor, Committente: Finlombarda SpA

In close synergy and collaboration with key national stakeholders (including the Ministry for the Environment), the project aims to establish an experimental framework for burden sharing of the three European climate policy goals, using a development of the Regional Energy and Environment Information System (SIRENA). 

One of the aims of the project is also the experimentation on the territory of the design, development and monitoring of FACTOR20 Plans for energy sustainability; these plans see the involvement of Local Authorities and territorial stakeholders in a participatory path for the concrete affirmation of a commitment to energy sustainability. The project targets regions, relevant ministries and municipalities and involves the organization and animation of a variety of work activities on the ground and various communication and dissemination moments and events, complemented by high-level training aimed at public decision makers.


TerrAria was in charge of the Information System called precisely FACTOR20, which enables the processing and graphical representation of data on energy consumption and production and the related emissions of pollutant gases and greenhouse gases.