Case studies

Climate Transition Strategy

Technical support in response to climate change

TerrAria, leader of the CCRR Lab grouping of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies and the Poliedra Polytechnic of Milan Consortium, has been selected by Fondazione Cariplo as Technical Assistance for the construction of Climate Transition Strategies, co-funded under the Climate Strategy Call for ideas. TerrAria provides technical support for the definition of the Strategy of two territorial areas selected from the published call: 

  • “A Natural Thread. A community that participates to turn the challenge of climate change into opportunity,coordinated by the City of Brescia in partnership with Brescia Hills Park, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) Foundation and AmbienteParco Impresa sociale srl. 
  • “Cli.C. Bergamo! – CLImate.Change Bergamo!” coordinated by the City of Bergamo in partnership with Parco dei Colli di Bergamo, Ersaf – Ente Regionale per i Servizi all’Agricoltura e alle Foreste di Regione Lombardia and Legambiente Lombardia Onlus. 


TerrAria was mainly in charge of coordinating the Project and defining the technical elements, such as: cognitive framework; in-depth analysis and definition of actions with an outline cost analysis. 

Following the approval of the Municipalities Climate Transition Strategy, the next phase of consultancy for both territorial realities addressed to quick win activities that were aimed at was successfully concluded: 

  • City of Brescia: development of the Climate Platform, definition and support for the launch of the OSS One Stop Shop 
  • Municipality of Bergamo: support for the implementation of a Renewable Energy Community (REC)

 A natural thread 

The City of Brescia’s A Natural Threadproject aims to counter rising temperatures and associated phenomena while reducing the vulnerability of the territory; it focuses on increasing natural capital and biodiversity from a resilience perspective, identifying a set of pilot actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation aimed, in particular, at creating new habitats in urban environments that can cope: 

  • to increasingly frequent heat waves, droughts and habitat loss by realizing an “oasis city.; 
  • to the significant increase in extreme rainfall events by realizing a “sponge city.; 
  • to the need for naturalness, of citizens by creating a “city for people.. 


The framework for action is complemented by measures for the revision of urban planning tools, implementation of climate monitoring systems and networks, capacity building, and citizen involvement and communication.

Cli.C. Bergamo! – CLImate.Change Bergamo! 

The project Cli.C. Bergamo! – CLImate.Change Bergamo!intends to activate a process of urban transformation and increased awareness of local actors, seizing the opportunities that ecosystem services offer to address the impacts on the territory of ongoing climate change, such as extreme rainfall events, hydrogeological phenomena and heat waves. The system of actions identified to prevent and counteract, with an approach that is not only defensive, but these phenomena also aims to implement real environmental, social and economic regeneration through a territorial Climate Transition Strategy developed by the territory’s main stakeholders, with the support of a widespread network of local actors. 

The actions are interlinked and integrated with each other and cover: structural adaptations and hydraulic defense works; expansion of green networks; decrease in artificial surfaces and protection of urban biodiversity; warning systems; communication, information and public awareness pathways; and support to public administrations for capacity building.